The Changing Web!

I remember when the world wide web all began…I know, I know, it’s only been a few years…But way back in 1990’s we were still using our hands, linotype, dark rooms, film, and cameras to produce printed materials! Email was just making its debut — remember “You’ve got mail!” At that time we were beginning […]

Mobile Friendly?

I remember when the world wide web all began…I know, I know, it’s only been a few years…But way back in 1990’s we were still using our hands, linotype, dark rooms, film, and cameras to produce printed materials! Email was just making its debut — remember “You’ve got mail!” At that time we were beginning to see the introduction of a brand new media venue called the Internet or World-Wide-Web.

The internet has exploded since then literally taking over the world’s communication processes. Even though I try to stay on top of the latest and greatest technology trends I find I am woefully inadequate, feeling more like a steamroller has just run over my company and all of our proven project processes! I would feel bad, and, at the risk of losing clients, should NEVER admit that, BUT I do take some solace in the fact that “they” say technology is advancing at a shocking pace so I understand that as awesome as any techie person may seem they are only human! Just do a simple google search on the word “singularity” for a mind-bending experience!

But in the real world I find most of my clients needs are relatively “Older” fashioned! They see their businesses humming along nicely and don’t like to think about having to update their websites since we just updated them 2 years ago! Normally I wouldn’t push them, but this time there is a legitimate need. It seems that there are upwards of 70% of web users visiting sites from mobile devices. Think back just a few years with the passing of Apple’s Steve Jobs and the explosion of his “i”products, now household names, back a few years ago no one had heard of an iPad, iPhone, or even iMac! So the question begs…how does your website perform on these small, mobile devices? The sad reality is that most websites don’t do well on them. The new trend is to either build a separate site for mobile devices and stick some code in there to automatically direct mobile users to that location or better yet just make your entire website “mobile-friendly”. Words like “bootstrapping” or “responsive” have now entered the scene. As the web marches toward “singularity” don’t despair If your site needs help you can always give us a call…err, I mean contact us or send us an email! But for sure, don’t delay on this one — find a good web development company to assist you through the process of this critical update!