Social Media Management is NOW HERE!

“The Buzz”…did you know that when honeybees discover an especially verdant section of floral nectar they actually “dance” with joy and excitement, precisely directing their fellow bees to the source! This is exactly the way “Social Media” is meant to work… Starting in May we are announcing an exciting opportunity for our small business accounts. […]

“The Buzz”…did you know that when honeybees discover an especially verdant section of floral nectar they actually “dance” with joy and excitement, precisely directing their fellow bees to the source! This is exactly the way “Social Media” is meant to work…

Starting in May we are announcing an exciting opportunity for our small business accounts. Dedicated Social Media Management. Typically an underutilized, or sporadic at best, marketing tool, social media has now come of age and is an essential means of promoting your business or organization.

While many small business owners feel overwhelmed with the technological tidal wave you need not fear. A purposeful and simple means of management is now available. We offer plans starting at an incredibly low rate, we offer dedicated service interviews weekly with your approved social media content provider then we take those interviews and craft tweets, posts, and pics to help build a following that will result in greater exposure of your product or service or event.

If you’re ready to start things off, or just need more information about how it all works feel free to Contact us today!