Are you Human?

Are you Human?

Non-Human Traffic, Ad Fraud and Viewability Bots generate more than half the traffic on the public Internet. This is indisputable. In fact, the Association of National Advertisers believes that advertisers will lose $6.3 billion globally to bots in 2015. This will not...

Getting Back to Basics on Marketing…

“Marketing is too important to be left to marketers.” by Dan McDade on July 28, 2015 This saying always amuses me. Partly because it’s true, partly because it’s funny, but also because it’s often misunderstood. It’s funny because it sounds like marketers are too...
Are You Ready? #MobileGeddon

Are You Ready? #MobileGeddon

Mobilegeddon Is Beginning, Not Ending The Mobile Friendly Update has now “fully rolled out” according to Google, but columnist Bryson Meunier believes this is only the beginning. Bryson Meunier on May 7, 2015 at 1:57 pm Google’s mobile friendly update came...
Social Media Management is NOW HERE!

Social Media Management is NOW HERE!

“The Buzz”…did you know that when honeybees discover an especially verdant section of floral nectar they actually “dance” with joy and excitement, precisely directing their fellow bees to the source! This is exactly the way “Social...

Register with – Tutorial Help

Hey everyone who lives in the “Tri-State Area”, err, I mean Enumclaw, 98022 and surrounds, we have created a powerful new business, event, and community group, or amenity directory site that allows us to grow closer by knowing who among us does what, and...