Whose using Mobile? And what is a “screenjump”?

Consumers are moving between screens to research, shop and socialize, but to what degree? Jumptap, a unified audience platform, released findings from a new cross-screen study with comScore  to help advertisers better understand how the audience demographics they wish to reach – and content they’re on – influences cross-screen behavior. This study also helps advertisers […]

Consumers are moving between screens to research, shop and socialize, but to what degree?

Jumptap, a unified audience platform, released findings from a new cross-screen study with comScore  to help advertisers better understand how the audience demographics they wish to reach – and content they’re on – influences cross-screen behavior. This study also helps advertisers understand audience behavior and take action. Highlights of the study include:

• More than half of all time spent on the Internet is now through a mobile device (12 percent on tablets and 39 percent on smartphones).

• Fourteen percent of women aged 25-49 access the Internet only through a mobile device.

• Women 25-49, as well as 18-24 year olds, are the segments that spend the largest share of their Internet time on mobile devices (61 percent for women 25-49 across both tablet and mobile, and 59 percent for 18-24 year olds).

Click for an infographic that illustrates more findings.